8 Things You’re Doing Every Day That Are Stealing Your Peace of Mind

His cold, swollen hand gripped mine as I gently slid my fingers between his.
With hopes of delivering comfort, my other hand cradled the crown of his head — warm, soft and peppered with faint tufts of silver, baby-fine hair.
His eyes were half-open and staring off into what I imagined to be an invisible horizon that was calling to him.
My 89-year-old uncle was dying.
As I watched him gradually slip away from his body over his last days, I felt the inevitability and finality of death hit me, hard.
I was more aware than ever that my time to leave the physical world would eventually come too, and with this came a reminder that I must make every day count.
This reminder stayed with me as I scattered my uncle’s ashes into the ocean days later, and is still with me as I write this for you.
I’ve lived so many days of my life distracted, worried and angry — days wasted.
These are days that could have counted for something if only I’d learned how to make better choices and master my mind sooner.
I’ve since realized that true happiness is having peace of mind, and bringing more of it into my life means figuring out what’s taking it away in the first place.
It’s easy to tell when your peace of mind is slipping away.
You’re anything but present.
You’re constantly reliving events of the past, worrying about a future that hasn’t happened, and letting your dissatisfaction with life as it is, eat away at you.
When you look at other people, you feel empty and jealous because they seem to have it all together.
In fact, the grass is looking very green on the other side of the fence.
You feel like you’re dying a little bit inside every single day.
There’s no one specific thing that’s causing this negative mental and emotional state you seem to be stuck in; instead, it’s a combination of things — things like these:
It can be tempting to indulge in some retail therapy now and then, but if you’re running up credit card debt or drying up your life savings because of it, it may be time to rethink your spending habits.
Considering how much easier (and fun) it is to spend than save, it’s no surprise that money is the number one source of stress among Americans.
A good place to start taking control of your finances: Figure out where your money’s going with an expense tracking app, then give your spending structure with a budget and establish a set of money habits that’ll help grow your wealth and help you feel in control of your money.
No matter how successful, good-looking or popular you are, if you don’t like the person staring back at you in the mirror, few things in life will bring you joy.
Unresolved self-loathing will leave you riddled with doubt, negativity and self-sabotaging habits that can undo all the good that you’re constantly trying to do for yourself and others.
This is why I regained all the weight that I’d once lost, and I didn’t succeed in losing and keeping it off until I started putting in the work to make peace with ‘me’, flaws and all.
You want to please everyone who asks you for help, but you do so at the expense of your time, money and peace of mind.
With every “yes” you offer when you really mean “no”, your discomfort and resentment builds. Eventually, they spill over, manifesting as lingering mental exhaustion and anger.
To save your sanity and relationships—and there’s no comfortable way to do this—is to decide who and what you’ll say “yes” to, and learn to set boundaries with the rest.
It’ll feel uneasy at first, especially if you’re not used to turning down your family, friends or colleagues, but once this feeling passes, you’ll be relieved that you did.
The bottom line is this: Your peace of mind matters just as much as everyone else’s.
Just like how saving money can be a tedious and un-sexy affair, it’s just easier to not give two hoots about whether your diet is doing you good, being fit, and getting enough sleep.
Except that deep down inside, you do but don’t follow through because you don’t believe that you can.
Your perceived limitations could be one or several things, including time, self-confidence, fear, willpower or even support—none of which will disappear overnight, which is why the not-so-secret solution to treating your body better is this: Just start.
For years, I wanted to get out of a toxic situation.
But every day, I chose to stay in it. Until I was forced to leave.
I learned my lesson learned…the hard way.
Reality can often be very different from what we wish it was, so if you’re not at peace with the way your life is going, ask yourself: Is what I want congruent with the way I’m living right now?
Life will throw all kinds of curveballs your way at any moment, and if you’re not careful, you’ll react with anger, irrationality or haste.
I know because I’ve been there—I’ve lost my shit one too many times and always regretted it, no matter how right I thought I was in the heat of the moment.
You can’t be 100% prepared for life, nor can you be calm and collected all the time, but you can decide, whenever possible, to take a step back to process your emotions and let them pass before responding to a situation.
Sometimes, I find myself being vulnerable, silly or just stuck on an awkward footing (surprise, surprise, I’m human).
And then I realize that the person I’m with isn’t reacting the way I expected (with humor and empathy, or ideally, both).
A myriad of emotions follow: Embarrassment, humiliation, followed by annoyance, and finally, anger —anger directed at them because well, how could they? Also, anger at myself because…why do I care so much?
To help myself move on from the ordeal, I remind myself that just like everyone else, I’m flawed with scars, quirks, and traumas, which not everyone will readily accept.
And you know what? That’s perfectly OK.
Just like being in the wrong relationship, it’s not difficult to tell when you’re in the wrong job.
You’ll constantly have this gnawing, unsettled feeling in the pit of your stomach.
The worse the fit, the worse you feel.
This isn’t surprising, given that you’ll typically spend between 50% and 75% of your waking hours, five to six days a week, dedicated to it.
Stick with it long enough, and you’ll end up feeling like the living dead: A fully-functioning shell of a human being who’s devoid of drive, creativity, joy or enthusiasm for what you do.
No matter what your circumstances are, don’t be afraid to walk away from something that’s sucking your soul dry.
If leaving your job now isn’t a viable option, save as much of your income as you possibly can while drawing up your exit strategy and exploring every possible alternative.
It’s not the easiest thing to do—raising the white flag, leaving something that you started out having high hopes for, and heading back into the uncertainty of job-hunting.
But remember this: Walking away from something that’s not right for you isn’t a sign of weakness; it’s you being strong enough to say “No” to ‘just another job’, and choosing to enrich your life with work that brings you purpose and meaning.
The sooner you realize that cultivating your peace of mind will bring happiness, the sooner you’ll be able to take the steps that’ll get you there.
(Disclosure: These suggestions contain affiliate links, which means that I’ll earn a small commission if you decide to buy by clicking on these links. Buying won’t cost you anything extra, but it’ll allow this blog to earn money―thank you if use them! You can read my full affiliate disclosure here.)
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Main photo: Hector Gomez / Unsplash
I am 74 years old. Fortunately I enjoy very good health. I am caregiver to my 95 year old mother with dementia and my 90 year old husband who is physically declining. Two different houses. No way I put them together in one house! Two places to shop for, clean, banking, coordinating aides that we cannot afford. Many doctors appts. I never can keep up with everything. My husband can be contentious when he sees things left undone. My peace and joy has disappeared. It’s a huge burden that is breaking me. I’ve pursued every avenue from the state and county. The only thing more that they can offer is counseling. There is NO time whatsoever for that. Don’t see any resolution for me. I live and work like a robot. I’m an empath and a perfectionist on myself. Just don’t know what to do. No nursing homes….Covid. Don’t even know what I’m asking.
Ellen Knight it sounds like you’re carrying 3 burdens and only one person. You need help! Are you sure there’s no way you could put them in the same house? If she has dementia I can understand her not fully being there all the time and the complications that would cause, but otherwise I’d put my foot down and say “You two better learn how to get along if you want me to give you the best of myself” You’ll get burnt out eventually and won’t be able to take of any of you, not even yourself. I know because I’m the same as you. I know what it’s like to give and give with no one giving back as much and living in a broken system that doesn’t offer any real support to those who need it most. All I can tell you is … when you’ve given all you can, keep giving more. There is nothing else to do, because when you stop giving, the only rewards are self-pity and complaining. My husband went out giving his last and I hope I do the same. I’d rather die giving too much than live being stingy, selfish and withholding good. Blessings dear.
email me @ daughterking000@gmail.com if you want!